Friday, March 23, 2007

To whom do I owe the five dollars

Well, 1st week and I'm technically late with a post. It is after midnight on Friday but I haven't gone to bed yet which signals the end of one day and the beginning of the next 'from a certain point of view.'

But if anyone is listening and needs that $5 to feel validated (ERV?) I'd be happy to spot you that $5 to order something from the Medivak store. Possibly a fashionable a Plate of Oh Fuck Yeah! tee shirt which would be all the rage at the office next casual Friday.

I will default to the popular blog posting style and give you a numbered list of random thoughts...

— You know you are no longer in Louisiana when the mashed potatoes are the best thing about your seafood platter.

— All (worn) mens baseball hats smell the same on the inside

— Calendars were created by the depressed; I always have something to look forward to next week.

— My laces have not stayed tied with my current pair of shoes for over two days. The cats must be fucking with them at night in hopes of me tripping and seriously injuring myself so i will stay at home all day and hang out with them.

— Vinyl is making a comeback in a big fucking way

— Dinosaurs were, are and always will be cool to me

— There should be more IQ tests for people. Stupidity is not something to be rewarded for (see: reality shows) I have nothing against lower intelligence people but there should be some system of checks and balances to prevent idiocy from spreading. [Clearly "Idiocracy" scared me]

— Business park is an oxymoron

— I know the snakes are out yet I cannot keep out of the woods

— 1307 is the most neutral number of them all. He/she takes no sides in the game of luck. I miss that number.

— I love naps but I hate going to bed. I think about going back to bed from the time i get up; but when it actually comes time to go to bed i resist it like a finger up the ass.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Welcome (no song playing)

This is the blog of a person who is pretty absorbed in music. I have two (maybe three...maybe four) bands. I ran a music magazine which i am attempting to resurrect as a webzine. I run a record label and i own over 2000 CDs.

This blog is not about music. It is about everything else. I swear by the powers invested in me by that i will never write about anything remotely musical. In fact if you are listening to music you should turn it off to give this blog your undivided attention.

There will be updates every Friday and if its not i will give each and every subscriber to this blog a $5 credit to buy anything from my record label's website.

Periodically I may direct you to one of my other websites if there is something of interest that i think you, gentle reader, may be interested in. Clearly these links would tend to involve music but does not invalidate my commitment NOT to talk about music.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Welcome to the Capitolized Blog

This is only a test to see if you are paying attention.