Monday, December 10, 2007

ipod on shuffle

I was very nervous about doing this because i have several unsavory albums on my ipod. BUT i will have to say my ipod really came through and served up some good tunes.

Song Number One
What is this song: Bloods on Fire
Who is it sung by: Pinback
This song is my favorite song right now: nope
This song makes me happy: err, it doesn’t make me sad
This song reminds me of someone: somebody who was talking to me about Pinback recently who I can’t really recall.

Song Number Two
What is this song: Little Twelve Toes
Who is it sung by: Chavez
The band that sings this is one of my favorites?: nope, it’s from the compilation School House Rock Rocks
This song is a remake of an old song: Yes, in fact it is!
This song makes me cry: no.

Song Number Three
What is this song: Refugees
Who is it sung by: The Tears
The lead singer of this band is gorgeous: Brett Anderson is pretty hot.
How did you find out about this song: ordered the Tears CD and T-Shirt from ebay
What CD is this song from: Here Come the Tears.

Song Number Four
What is this song: Vanessa from Queens
Who is it sung by: Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks
This is a good song to play at a party: if it was a party of me and my clones? We would totally love it!
I don't like this song: no, I love this song
My parents like this song too: my mom might

Song Number Five
What is this song: La Dame Et La Licorne
Who is it sung by: Shearwater
Someone in the band is female: actually, yes
This song reflects what my life is like: not so much
I downloaded this song illegally: no. I bought the two disc rerelease of Palo Santo at a Shearwater show.

Song Number Six
What is this song: The Lion for Real
Who is it sung by: Allen Ginsberg
I've been to a concert of this band: No
This song reminds me of my girlfriend: don’t have a girlfriend. But it does not remind me of any ex’s either
Where I bought this song: Planet Replay in Austin

Song Number Seven
What is this song: Overture of the Rebel Angels
Who is it sung by: Danzig composed it but no singing
This song really makes me think: well, I guess it could if I were wanting to think about rebel angels
This song is really old: um, a good 15 years or so
It's one of my favorites right now: nope

Song Number Eight
What is this song: Right In Time
Who is it sung by: French Kicks
It reminds me of the summer: nope. Reminds me of when they played in Baton Rouge and Travis went but I didn’t go.
It makes me want to dance: it’s pretty danceable
This band/singer's music is overplayed: I don’t think so

Song Number Nine
What is this song: Sweetwater
Who is it sung by: The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy
I don't know why I have this on my iPod: No, I do know why. This is one of the bands I have collected every album by.
This song makes me really angry: not at all

Song Number Ten
What is this song: Harboring Exiles (Outtake)
Who is it sung by: Guided by Voices
This song is about love: yes, love of singing
It brings back lots of memories: no. it just reminds me that I have a LOT of GBV songs
This song has a music video: no

Song Number Eleven
What is this song: Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down
Who is it sung by: Elvis Costello
I don't normally like this band's music, but I like this song: Oh no… I love Costello and I’m surprised this is the 1st occurrence that he showed up on the shuffle
I can relate to this song: well, I could in the past but not now
This song is about heartbreak: oh hell yeah

Song Number Twelve
What is this song: Something’s Wrong
Who is it sung by: The Jesus & Mary Chain
This song has good lyrics: yeah. Pretty good
I only added this song to my iPod because everyone else had it: um, no… Cause it is awesome. Fuck everyone else for NOT having J&MC

Song Number Thirteen
What is this song: Energy Blues
Who is it sung by: Biz Markie
I used to love this song then it got way overplayed: Not at all. This is some funny stuff from the School House Rock Rocks album (again)
This song is about friendship: nope. This is the funny soundtrack to An Inconvenient Truth.
This song is so sappy, it makes me want to puke: um, nope

Song Number Fourteen
What is this song: She’s In Fashion
Who is it sung by: Suede
This song is mostly all screaming: nope
Me and my friends love this song: yeah. I’d like to think so
When I hear this song, I just want to get up and dance: hell yeah. Its pretty dancable

Song Number Fifteen
What is this song: Web
Who is it sung by: Diatribe
This song is rap: not really
The song is really degrading to women: um, nope
I LOVE THIS SONG!: I wouldn’t get that excited about it


Capitolized said...

i know. i know. this was about music. i know. i know.

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